Membership Benefits
- Access to Political Information, Elected Officials, and Current Issues
- Continuing Education Opportunities
- Quarterly E-Newsletter
- Discounts on Registration Fees at the Annual Winter Convention and Regional Workshops
- Exposure to Trade Shows and Vendors with Potential Innovations and Solutions for the Betterment of Your Business
- A Forum to Discuss and Act on Ground Water Issues Pertaining to Ground Water Businesses
- Friendship and Camaraderie with Common Interests and Values
Levels of Membership
Contractor – $150
Person, partnership, firm, or corporation that is a contractor in the ground water industry.
Associate – $50
Persons employed by a ground water contractor member, having an interest in the purposes and objectives of the IGWA.
Manufacturers & Suppliers – $150
Person, firm, or corporation engaged in manufacturing/selling ground water equipment/supplies including non-residents.
Technical – $100
Person who is interested in the ground water industry such as geologists, hydraulic engineers, etc.

“Joining the Idaho Ground Water Association offers well drillers and drilling companies a unique opportunity to be part of a close-knit community that shares common interests and values. You’ll get access to important political info, continuing education, and discounts on events. Plus, it’s a great way to stay updated on industry innovations and connect with others facing the same challenges.” -Sam Kingrey, IGWA President