2023 Board of Directors

President: Sam Kingrey (Down Right Drilling & Pump)

Vice President: Bill Tanner (Tanner Pump & Drilling)

Assoc. President: Jake Kingrey (Down Right Drilling & Pump)

Assoc. Vice President: Anthony Boradie (Treasure Valley Drilling & Pump)

M&S President: Charlie Fox (Franklin Electric)

M&S Vice President: David Garner (2M Company)

Past President: John Bishop (Bishop Well Drilling)

IGWA Directors

Andy Clark (Coonse Well Drilling)

Monte Post (Water Pro Well Drilling)

Rod Hendricks (Independent Drilling)

Garrett Post (Treasure Valley Drilling & Pump)

Kenny Vollmer (Vollmer Well Drilling)

Past Presidents
1948-49Allen E. Hosak
1949-50Allen E. Hosak
1950-51Jim Schoonover
1951-52Jim Schoonover
1952-53Howard F. Andrew
1953-54Howard F. Andrew
1954-55Howard F. Andrew
1955-56Charles Cope
1956-57Charles Cope
1957-58Verl Andrew
1958-59Bill Lukehart
1959-60Clifford Hosack
1960-61Charles Cope
1961-62Ralph Cope
1962-63Ralph Denton
1963-64Douglas Cushman
1964-65Rex Weech
1965-66Howard F. Andrew
1966-67Jess Doty
1967-68Verl Andrew
1968-69Blaine Boley
1969-70Ron Hiddleston
1970-71R.Darryl Smith
1971-72George Roessler
1972-73Cecil Broomfield
1973-74R. Darryl Smith
1974-75Ron Hiddleston
1975-76Verl Andrew
1976-77Blaine Boley
1977-78Verl Chesley
1978-79Gary Wilson
1979-80Bill Doty, Jr.
1980-81Bill Martin
1981-82Dan Neu
1982-83Fred Walker
1983-84Dan Neu
1984-85Kent Binn
1985-86Ron Hiddleston
1986-87Bob Doty
1987-88Verl Andrew
1988-89Verl Andrew
1989-90R. Darryl Smith
1990-91R. Darryl Smith
1991-92Dave Adamson
1992-93Dale Pippitt
1993-94Brad Skinner
1994-95Mark Hiddleston
1995Mark Hiddleston
1996Steve Graves
1997Ken Smith
1998Frank Skinner
1999Dale Pippitt
2000Gary Coonse
2001Brett McCarty
2002Mark Hiddleston
2003Dale Pippitt
2004Brett McCarty
2005Steve Graves
2006Tony Hackett
2007Gary Duspiva
2008Brett McCarty
2009Henry Baker
2010Roger Buchanan
2011Tony Hackett
2012Tom Richardson
2013Rod Hendricks
2014Eric Forsmann
2015Eric Forsmann
2016Kenny Vollmer Jr.
2017Lagrand Baker
2018Lagrand Baker
2019David Baker
2020David Baker
2021John Bishop
2022John Bishop
2023Sam Kingrey

Past Presidents of the National Water Well Association from our membership include:  Howard F. Andrew & Ron Hiddleston